The Brightmoor Project is The River's L3 Kingdom Assignment scheduled for April 8, 2006 and we encourage all L3 life groups to participate. We wil be going to a community in northwest Detroit named Brightmoor to assist Northwest Detroit Neighborhood Development, Inc. (NDND) in their revitalization efforts for this community. We will be clearing/cleaning vacant lots, planting flowers, early spring vegetables and in general--planting hope in a desolate and abandoned community.
Brightmoor History and Information
Brightmoor is a four-square mile area bordered by Evergreen Road to the east, Telegraph Road to the west, Puritan Road to the north and Schoolcraft Road/I-96 making the south border. Brightmoor was established in the early1900s by Henry Ford with low-cost housing for his factory workers, particularly for the influx of Appalachian transplants in the 1920s-1940s. It was a thriving, working-class community until the 1970s when the issue of busing caused a major exodus to the suburbs and an eventual reduction in auto factory jobs led to serious property devaluation. With property values down, much of the housing became low-cost rentals seeding a transient community.
The 1980s Brightmoor witnessed a crack cocaine epidemic and a hotbed for crack users, dealers, prostitutes and slumlords. The crime and violence that accompanies these activities became a prevalent fact-of-life in Brightmoor. The indigent residents that had remained often fought back the scourge by burning down the crack houses. These houses remain until the City of Detroit eventually razes them. Thus the cycle of life in Brightmoor to this day. And today the scars of this cycle are very evident with rundown rentals, burned down houses and vacant lots that once held proud homes.
According to the 1990 census, Brightmoor is home to 19,000 residents and is a relatively diverse neighborhood with a median household income of $16,000 ($2,730 less than that of the average income in Detroit). Sixty percent of Brightmoor's children live in poverty.

However, Brightmoor is seeing hope with such groups as the Brightmoor Alliance, a team of neighborhood associations, community organizations, churches and local business--of which NDND is a member-- have begun to revitalize the community with house renovations and new housing construction. NDND alone built 50 new houses last year and will construct 100 this year, thus adding value to surrounding houses and the community at-large. What we will be doing is the same--adding value and a glimmer of beauty to a bleak landscape--thus springs hope for a better existence. You can be a seed of hope simply by sacrificing a day of your existence--by loving and locking arms to plant life.
The Brightmoor community will not be transformed by quick fix projects or by outside leaders. A generation of godly indigenous and brave leaders must be raised up who are committed to mercy, compassion, and justice. The River seeks to partner with groups like NDND and the Brighmoor Alliance who have a developmental orientation and a long-term commitment to the community. Very symbolic of how Christ works to transform us.
Lock Arms Sign up at the Life Groups table on Sunday, or simply show up to dig in on April 8th. Safety is important as with any outreach project. There are mixed-income families with children living in Brightmoor where high crime and drug activities exist. Therefore, there is a possibility that we may see and experience things or situations we have never experienced and should be conscientious about our surroundings. Many individual prayers for this project are taking place before, during, and after this assignment.
Please note the following recommendations:
Ability to lift 20 pounds and in good physical health.
Age appropriate is advised. Carpool if at all possible.
Wood Chippers, blowers, chainsaws, log splitters, and lopping shears will be useful, but must be operated by certified or trained owners.
Be conscientious of how our good efforts may seem as an invasion of the local.
Our response to local inquires about what we're doing: "We're invited by the Brightmoor Alliance to help out."

Individual Check List:
Pack a brown bag lunch (beverages will be provided).
Cell phone.
Wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels, trowels, gloves, and garbage bags.
Wear your L3 shirt. Your L3 Values: Love - Lock - Live.
Agenda: 8:30 AM- Site leaders meet at God Land Unity Church for briefing with project manager. 9:00 AM- The River volunteers arrive at God Land Unity Church for orientation. 9:30 AM- Travel to work sites. 9:45 AM- Work at sites. 1:45 PM- Travel back to God Land Unity Church. 2:00 PM- Brown bag lunch and debriefing at God Land Unity Church. 3:00 PM- Travel home.
Directions to Destination: I-96 past Telegraph Road get off at the next exit -- Outer Drive, turn left and turn left again on the westbound service drive (which is Schoolcraft). God Land Unity Church will be four blocks on the right. God Land Unity Church 22450 Schoolcraft Detroit, MI 48223 313-794-2800 313-794-2822 http://www.godlandunity.org/ MapQuest
Contact Erica Karfonta - 313-570-0033 for more information. Stay tuned to this page for any updates. Preview Video Vision Cast Video Master Plan
©2005 - The River Community Church PO Box 506, Highland, MI 48357 248-887-8977 fax 248-889-7319 eMail