Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Dave Bing Remains the Mayor of the "D"

Updates since this posted - Well Dave Bing didn't run for another term as Mayor (I guess you can say he's retired). Charles Pugh is a former council president who was on the run when a scandal broke out accusing him of sexual encounters with a student he was a "role model" for. Now he has been formerly changed for sex with a then 14-year old young man (sad). Lastly, Gary Brown has managed to stay on the city's payroll. He has been appointed Water and Sewerage Director of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) in October 2015.

Dave Bing ....................Charles Pugh..................Gary Brown
Photos Courtesy of the Detroit News

The polls have closed and the final results are in. Dave Bing is the Mayor of Detroit for the next four years. According to the Detroit News, Dave Bing "garnered 58 percent (70,060 votes) to Barrow's 42 percent (50,757 votes)". So what does this mean for the future of Detroit, well who knows. Will there be any more scandals while he's in office or will Detroit quietly regain its splendor it once had? In my opinion, I don't think it ever lost its splender per se, but people lose respect of their city when respect isn't given to them by their elected officials. Will they ever learn to listen to the people instead of trying to gain a dollar from a signature? The word on the street as far as Bing's Steel Company, he has filed for bankruptcy. It hasn't been reported because it had to assured that he would win the seat to the office.

Speaking of respect, well the votes have been calculated for the new city council and we have five new faces. Charles Pugh (former anchor of Fox 2 News Detroit) will serve as the new council president, and Gary Brown (the former official fired by Kwame Kilpatrick) will serve as the council president pro tem. The other seven members are Saunteel Jenkins (former council chief of staff for the late Mary Ann Mahaffey), Ken Cockrel (re-elected), Brenda Jones (re-elected), Andre Spivey, James Tate, Kwame Kenyatta (re-elected), and JoAnn Watson (re-elected).

So it's going to be interesting to see how this new group of people mixed with some of the old will work together to supposedly better Detroit. I say supposedly because our elected officials seem to forget once they are in office who they work for.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There's Still Goodness in the D

Photo by Sonia

It's been a while since I've posted on my blog. There's so much that has happened and still happening not only in the "D", but everywhere. With Detroit being the largest metropolitan city in Michigan, everything that takes place here has the largest impact on Michigan as a whole.

Let's see, we have been the target on one of the largest scandals, well let's say several: The Kwame Drama which has many subcompartments with the major stories being "The Tammy Greene Saga", and "Kwame not paying back restitution to the City of Detroit", Mayoral Race well the lack of with Mayor Bing not debating his challenger Tom Barrow (I just read an one hour interview will be tape....hmmmm), The Big Three Employment / Unemployment and selling cars, The City Council Drama, Monica Conyers...well she's being quiet right now along with Sam Riddle, The Cobo Hall's secret dealings of a public real estate without the vote of the public, The Water Department and the interseptor, Detroit Public Schools bankruptcy which needs to be audited and more people in the higher seat need to go to prison, and that's just the start. Let's also add the foreclosure rates, and unemployment rates that is still going up, and everyone moving out of Detroit. Heck, my neighbor said it was hard for him to get a moving truck because they were all taken. Everyone involved in Detroit politics wants to say the city is broke; I beg to differ especially with the case of the Gateway Project, and where has all the funds from the stimulus packet that Detroit specifically was supposed to get?

Despite all of this drama, I still try to find goodness that's going on. The news media concentrate on the so-called high crime that's going on, but when you compare the figures with the rate of people who live in the city, the rate isn't high...it's average. When you constantly hear negativity and told that Detroit is Bad, you truly begin to feel it when it may not be the case for you. Sometimes it makes me wonder about the propaganda of Detroit, but to get an understanding about how some people in the state of Michigan feel about the residents of Detroit, please visit the comment section of any article that's dealing with Detroit issues on the Detroit Free Press website especially at www.freep.com or the Detroit News at www.detnews.com and view some of the heartfelt comments. It's quite amazing at times.

Well, I had some items to get off my chest and I'll say from this moment on, I will be diligently searching for that positive news that's going on in my city for those who are tired of the same ole drama that is printed and shown constantly in the media about Detroit.

My City


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